Marilyne Andersen is an Associate Professor in the Building Technology Group of MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning since summer 2004. Trained as a physicist at EPFL, she went on to specialize in daylighting and completed her PhD at the Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory after having spent a year as a Visiting Scholar in the building technologies department of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. She has been awarded the Mitsui Career Development Professorship in July 2008. Her inter-disciplinary research interests on the use and optimization of daylight in buildings led her to work across the boundaries of architecture, physics and environmental concerns. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she supervises thesis work for undergraduate and graduate students in architecture, building technology, and mechanical engineering. She is currently working on projects related to advanced glazing and shading systems, visual and thermal comfort, the implications of light on health from a design standpoint, and the visualization of daylighting performance and metrics in design.